Clinics and workshops are generally held in the spring (March, April, May) to precede the regular rugby season. Professional development opportunities may be scheduled any time throughout the year. 

View the sections below for more information about the training and education opportunities offered in rugby, including course descriptions, time commitments, potential locations, prerequisites, and more. Once a course is scheduled, you can find the registration links under the relevant tab.

Please note that the Rugby Canada Training Site has a one-time $25 registration fee to access clinics and workshops. This fee supports running clinics and paying educators. If you have previously registered for a clinic via the Training Site you should be able to login with your existing credentials.

COURSE Interest & feedback

Sask Rugby provides clinics, workshops, and professional development opportunities based on interest from the community. To let us know which courses you would like to see, complete the expression of interest form below.

NOTE: This is not a commitment or registration to any course. Courses will only be scheduled once there is a minimum number of individuals expressing interest. At that point, registration will be opened for anyone interested.

If you’ve taken one of the courses or professional development workshops offered by Sask Rugby, you can complete the feedback form below to share your thoughts and help us improve.

To inquire about a course not listed below or professional development opportunities, contact Sask Rugby’s Rugby Development Officer at


Description: Full-day, non-assessed, attendance-based course which provides the novice coach with advice on both what and how to coach in a practical-based environment. This clinic is ideal for individuals looking to start coaching at the community level (e.g. club rugby, minor rugby, etc.).


Time Commitment

  • Online Portion: 2 hrs
  • In-Person Portion: 8 hrs

Location: Online/In-Person

Cost: $150

Upcoming Sessions:

  • TBD



  • Trainees will need to create a profile and pay the $25 one-time setup fee to register for clinics and workshops on the Rugby Canada Training Site. Trainees who have already set up a profile on the Training Site should not need to create a new profile to access the clinics/workshops.
  • Clinic fees are MAP Grant eligible expenses for Sask Rugby Member Organizations. See more information about the MAP Grant at
  • Please be aware that the Training Site will ask for you to complete the pre-requisites for your training before registering for the clinic or workshop.

Description: 2-day, competency-based accreditation course which builds on the Level 1 course and further develops tactical and technical coaching as well as coaching process skills in a practical-based environment. This clinic is ideal for individuals looking to take the next step in their coaching journey and working with athletes on a development pathway.


Time Commitment

  • Online Portion: 1.5 hrs
  • In-Person Portion: 12 hrs
  • Post-Course Work: practice planning & evaluation

Location: In-Person

Cost: $200 clinic fee + $50 evaluation fee


  • Trainees will need to create a profile and pay the $25 one-time setup fee to register for clinics and workshops on the Rugby Canada Training Site. Trainees who have already set up a profile on the Training Site should not need to create a new profile to access the clinics/workshops.
  • Clinic fees are MAP Grant eligible expenses for Sask Rugby Member Organizations. See more information about the MAP Grant at
  • Please be aware that the Training Site will ask for you to complete the pre-requisites for your training before registering for the clinic or workshop.

Description: Activate is a structured exercise programme to reduce injuries in youth and adult community rugby. The Activate workshop will give coaches the information and tools to prepare their athletes for rugby activities and develop general movement control, conditioning, and physical robustness. TackleSMART is a training workshop that aims to prevent injury in the tackle by giving coaches the competence and confidence to coach the tackle and progress effectively to contact. Attendees of the upcoming sessions listed below will receive both an Activate and TackleSMART certification.


Time Commitment:

  • Online Portion: 1 hrs
  • In-Person Portion: 6 hrs

Location: In-Person

Cost: $20

Upcoming Sessions:

  • None. Please fill out an Expression of Interest form to let us know that you are interested in these workshops.

Notes: Trainees will need to create a profile and pay the $25 one-time setup fee to register for clinics and workshops on the Rugby Canada Training Site. Trainees who have already set up a profile on the Training Site should not need to create a new profile to access the clinics/workshops. Please be aware that the Training Site will ask for you to complete the pre-requisites for your training before registering for the clinic or workshop.

Description: NCCP Rookie Rugby training is a 4-hour in-person course designed to teach people how to introduce fundamental movement skills through the game of rugby in a non-contact, safe and fun environment. NCCP Rookie Rugby is for coaches of under-12 or non-contact rugby programs. 


Time Commitment

  • 3.5 hours

Location: In-Person

Cost: $50

Upcoming Sessions:

  • TBD



  • Trainees will need to create a profile and pay the $25 one-time setup fee to register for clinics and workshops on the Rugby Canada Training Site. Trainees who have already set up a profile on the Training Site should not need to create a new profile to access the clinics/workshops.
  • Clinic fees are MAP Grant eligible expenses for Sask Rugby Member Organizations. See more information about the MAP Grant at
  • Please be aware that the Training Site will ask for you to complete the pre-requisites for your training before registering for the clinic or workshop.

Description: Rookie Rugby Instructor Training is a training program for teachers who want to add the Rookie Rugby program to their Phys Ed toolkit. The Rookie Rugby program was designed for use in a classroom setting – specifically to satisfy the Saskatchewan phys. Ed. curriculum outcomes – and has been endorsed by PHE Canada and PHE Saskatchewan for this use. This session covers what Rookie Rugby is, how to understand and implement the Rookie Rugby curriculum, and allows teachers to get practical experience running activities with their peers. No prior experience with the sport of rugby is required.

Optional Pre-Work:

Time Commitment: 3 hours

Location: In Person

Cost: Free!


Description: The Respect in Sport Activity Leader program is an on-line training course for coaches, sport leaders and leaders of youth in virtually any activity. While a great number of topics are covered during this program, at the core, Respect in Sport is primarily designed as a tool to assist leaders to identify and respond to abuse, neglect, harassment, and bullying.

Notice: Rugby coaches in Saskatchewan are required to complete Respect In Sport training before participating as a coach. Coaches who have completed Respect In Sport in the past (whether for rugby or another sport) but do not have access to their certificate should contact the Sask Rugby office.

Pre-Requisites: None.

Time Commitment: Self-Directed

Location: Respect In Sport Online Portal



Description: Full-day, non-assessed, attendance-based course which helps the novice referee to referee the basic components of the game in a practical-based environment. This clinic is ideal for new referees and players & coaches that are looking to increase their understanding of the laws of the game.


Time Commitment

  • Online portion: 45 min
  • In-Person portion: 7 hrs

Location: In-Person

Cost: $75

Upcoming Sessions:

  • TBD



  • Trainees will need to create a profile and pay the $25 one-time setup fee to register for clinics and workshops on the Rugby Canada Training Site. Trainees who have already set up a profile on the Training Site should not need to create a new profile to access the clinics/workshops.
  • Clinic fees are MAP Grant eligible expenses for Sask Rugby Member Organizations. See more information about the MAP Grant at
  • Please be aware that the Training Site will ask for you to complete the pre-requisites for your training before registering for the clinic or workshop.

Description: 2-day, competency-based accreditation course which builds on the Level 1 course to help further develop the referee in a practical-based environment. This clinic is ideal for experienced match officials looking to take the next step in their officiating journey, refine their skills, and gain a better understanding of the role of the match official.


Time Commitment

  • Online Portion: 1.5 hrs
  • In-Person Portion: 12 hrs
  • Post-Course Work: match journals & evaluation

Location: In-Person

Cost: $75


  • Trainees will need to create a profile and pay the $25 one-time setup fee to register for clinics and workshops on the Rugby Canada Training Site. Trainees who have already set up a profile on the Training Site should not need to create a new profile to access the clinics/workshops.
  • Clinic fees are MAP Grant eligible expenses for Sask Rugby Member Organizations. See more information about the MAP Grant at
  • Please be aware that the Training Site will ask for you to complete the pre-requisites for your training before registering for the clinic or workshop.

Description: This professional development opportunity for match officials will cover best practices in communication with the various on-field participants that take part in a rugby match.

Time Commitment: TBD

Location: TBD – Online Workshop

Cost: TBD

Description: Video review is a key tool for match officials to use to improve their technique and positioning. This session will cover the things that match officials should be looking for when watching their games back and how to turn these observations into actionable goals.

Time Commitment: TBD

Location: TBD – Online Workshop

Cost: TBD


Description: The emPowering the Prairies Club Development Series is a partnership between Rugby Alberta, Saskatchewan Rugby, and Rugby Manitoba aimed at helping clubs become more successful and sustainable off the field. This 4-week webinar series features expert speakers on topics of interest to club administrators and offers an opportunity to meet peers in other clubs/provinces and share best practices. Past webinar recordings, presentations, and resources for clubs can be found at the link below.

Pre-Requisites: None.

Date(s): February 9, 2022 – March 9, 2022, weekly

Time(s): 7:30pm CST / 6:30pm MST

Location: Zoom


Description: A review of Sask Rugby’s Rules of Competition (which govern competitions sanctioned by Sask Rugby) highlighting the key information and clauses that clubs need to know prior to the upcoming season.

Pre-Requisites: None.

Date(s): March 31, 2022

Time(s): 8:00pm-9:30pm

Location: Zoom

REGISTER HERE:–spzwjG9EJzpbElpx8Vv41YUAe_8ir

Description: The Respect in Sport Activity Leader program is an on-line training course for coaches, sport leaders and leaders of youth in virtually any activity. While a great number of topics are covered during this program, at the core, Respect in Sport is primarily designed as a tool to assist leaders to identify and respond to abuse, neglect, harassment, and bullying.

Pre-Requisites: None.

Date(s): Self-Directed

Time(s): Self-Directed

Location: Respect In Sport Online Portal